I have a list of objects and would like to transform it into a list of lists of objects. That sounds like the start of tongue twister so it may be easier to demonstrate visually:

initial_list = [
                {"text": "Ham Skins", "id": "A1"},
                {"text": "Pig Feet", "id": "A2"}

list_of_lists = [
                  [{"text": "Ham Skins", "id": "A1"}],
                  [{"text": "Pig Feet", "id": "A2"}]

This is very straightforward with list comprehensions:

list_of_lists = [[obj] for obj in initial_list]

At a later stage I want to work with this strange list of lists and flatten it back out again to create a single list of id codes. I assumed list comprehensions would come to my rescue again, which they utimately did but not before giving me a syntactical headache.

Starting with a more complex list_of_lists:

    {"text": "Ham Skins", "id": "A1"}, 
    {"text": "Hog Liver", "id": "A4"}
    {"text": "Pig Feet", "id": "A2"}

It’s worth noting that my actual list of lists may contain multiple objects, not just one object per list as shown initially.

my desired endpoint is:

["A1", "A4", "A2"]

My initial attempt with list comprehensions was a fail.

attempted_id_lists = [obj['id'] for obj in list for list in list_of_lists]

This gives me a TypeError: 'type' object is not iterable

The syntax trick is to work back from a loop. So if I was writing my challenge as a loop, it would look like this:

for list in list_of_lists:
  for obj in list:

To construct nested list comprehensions, move obj['id'] to the start and then join the loop statements.

successful_id_lists = [obj['id'] for list in list_of_lists for obj in list]

Thanks to Serafeim Papastefanos for showing the light and some more complex examples!