The last time I was writing a Jekyll blog post I wanted to insert an image as a link. It turns out there are a few ways to do this. I’ll demonstrate 3 ways:

  • Standard markdown link syntax
  • Reference style markdown syntax
  • Using Jekyll’s reusable _includes components

The standard way to insert an image into a Jekyll post is to use the following markdown syntax:



![my new puppy](assets/images/posts/2020/dexter.png)

my new puppy

If I want a clickable link around it, perhaps so that clicking the image directs you to the puppy’s own instagram account, I can simply wrap the image link in a standard web link:



[![my new puppy](assets/images/posts/2020/dexter.png)](

my new puppy

Reference style for clickable images

The reference style may be a little more readable.


[1]: assets/images/posts/2020/dexter.png

Note the all important blank line between the markdown link and the references

my new puppy

Clickable Images using Jekyll Includes

This is perhaps the most jekyll-ey way to create a clickable image link.

The _includes folder in the jekyll project folder is way to encourage the use of reusable components. Mine currently contains partials such as header.html and footer.html

I thought I might like an image-link.html to join the crowd.


    <a href="">
        <img src="" alt="" />

Then within the markdown page for your jekyll post you can add:

    <a href="">
        <img src="assets/images/posts/2020/dexter.png#wide" alt="Dexter" />
        <figcaption class="caption-text">Come and see Dexter's Instagram Account</figcaption>

Come and see Dexter's Instagram Account